• Belgrade

Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge

Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge

Rajas dental college has an illustrious legacy spanning over three decades and the department of Prosthodontics ably reflect that growth in its performance. The department offers undergraduate and postgraduate training par with any national university of repute. It’s one of the few departments to start with its own chrome-cobalt and ceramic lab along with the inception of the postgraduate section. A fully equipped and frequently updated lab continues to be the highlight of our department. It includes porcelain furnaces to induction casting machines to injection molding machine; apart from an array of other types of tools and equipments needed for all types of prosthodontic work.
Our work profile cater to all types of removable and fixed prosthetic works spanning from conventional dentures to implant supported ones. Conventionals include training in immediate/over dentures, transitional dentures and the like. Fundamental training in fixed prosthetics include full veneer, partial veneer, metal ceramic and All-ceramic. Smile design through veneers and laminates using digital platform is part of the program. Exposure to 3D printing, and laser sintering (DMLS) substituting casting procedures give the much needed edge to our training. Training in CPDs and flexibles comprise the partial denture section. Prosthesis incorporating indigenous fibre reinforced resin philosophy is given the needed emphasis.
Implant training range from the basic single tooth implants to full mouth rehabs viz. All-on-four. Select training is also given in zygomatic and pterygoid implant prostheses. Implant supported over denture too finds it due place in the curriculum. The training encompasses different implant systems including even the newer basal implants.
The Maxillofacial section handles eye/ear/nose/finger prostheses apart from the routine obturators provided for oroantral fistula patients. Training includes acrylic/silicon prosthesis, and the specialised colouring and texturing of the same.
Short research studies are a mandatory protocol for the postgraduate program apart from the thesis project. Field visits to established dental labs and didactic sessions in the form of seminars, discussions and journal club are designed to reinforce the basics alongside incorporating the recent advances.
The Undergraduates are also encouraged to take up short research projects as a part of their training. They are given additional exposure to fixed prosthodontics and Implant prosthodontics apart from that prescribed in the university syllabus. Separate workshops are held to enhance clinical skills and to hone their critical thinking. This reflects in the accolades won by both the PGs and UGs in paper/poster presentations in national and state Conferences. Original studies done under the aegis of the department of prosthodontics have won best paper awards in various scientific deliberations vouching our motto, Innovation with determination!


Speciality Implant Clinic

Geriatric Clinic

UG Pre-Clinical Area




Research Activities

Staff Publications
